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dc.coverage.spatialEvaluation of pseudomonas fluorescens For plant growth promoting traits and Biocontrol activities against red root Rot disease in tea plantsen_US
dc.description.abstractTea is an aromatic beverage prepared from young tender leaves of newlineCamellia sinensis O Kuntze It is the chief cash crop in India and it newlineoccupies a vital place in the national economy Added to that tea delivers newlinemany health benefits to humans For proper maintenance of tea bushes and to newlineobtain high yield well balanced fertilization and manuring are mandatory in newlinetea cultivation Tea plants are frequently harvested and pruned causing both newlinephysical and physiological stress newlineMoreover the humid climatic conditions and heavy rainfall where newlinetea is cultivated lead to exposure of many fungal diseases Amongst these red newlineroot rot caused by Poria hypolateritia Berk ex Cooke is very important newlinebecause it affects entire plants resulting in sudden death of bushes and severe newlinecrop losses The high cost of chemical fertilizers and their adverse effect on newlinethe environment have led to alternative strategies including the use of newlinebiofertilizers Currently very little information is available on plant growth newlinepromoting microbes and their biocontrol activity in tea plants especially in newlinerespect of the red root rot disease Therefore the present investigation was newlineundertaken to screen and exploit indigenous plant growth promoting newlinerhizobacteria PGPR particularly Pseudomonas fluorescens as a biofertilizer newlineand enhancer of plant growth as well as a biocontrol agent against root disease newline newlineen_US
dc.format.extentxxxii, 199p.en_US
dc.titleEvaluation of pseudomonas fluorescens For plant growth promoting traits and Biocontrol activities against red root Rot disease in tea plantsen_US
dc.creator.researcherManjukarunambika Ken_US
dc.subject.keywordPlant growth promoting rhizobacteriaen_US
dc.subject.keywordPoria hypolateritia Berken_US
dc.description.noteappendix p175-180, reference p181-197.en_US
dc.contributor.guidePonmurugan Pen_US
dc.publisher.universityAnna Universityen_US
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Science and Humanitiesen_US,en_US
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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