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Title: Role of popular newspapers of tamil nadu in dealing with communal harmony during conflict situationsa detailed study of police lawyer conflict in madras high court
Researcher: Joseph benziger T
Guide(s): Sundareswaran V
Keywords: Management sciences
police lawyer conflict
Upload Date: 18-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/07/2014
Abstract: Presently a situation has arisen that we cannot even think of life newlinesans media Now the media defines and complements all the aspects of life newlinethat nourish human development viz art education culture habits politics newlineethics commerce lifestyle changes and so on The power reach influence newlineand impact of this extraordinarily dominant instrument are beyond measure newlineThe pictures drawn ideas expressed impacts made or attempted to be made newlineabout the global events by the media on a daily basis deserve to be studied in newlinedetail How do the media approach an event From which point of view they newlineappraise it How do they depict what they notice for the benefit or newlineconsumption of their readers What sort of impact they create and how they newlinemold the reaction of the multifaceted readers newline newline
Pagination: xxv, 380p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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