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Title: Critical Legal Analysis on Rights and Liabilities when Using Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles
Researcher: Prakash, Sivarama Krishna
Guide(s): Kishore, V Shyam
Keywords: AI
Autonomous vehicles
University: Alliance University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence or AI is classified into three types. The first type is newlinecalled narrow AI. This is also known as weak/applied AI. Narrow AI normally is newlinelinked with functions like data processing. The second type of AI is artificial general newlineintelligence known in short as AGI or strong AI. AGI can replicate human thought. newlineThe last type of AI is that, which is even better than the best human brains in almost newlineany field. This kind of AI is called artificial super intelligence (ASI). As of date, AIs newlineare generally designed to solve the immediate tasks at hand. AGI development is newlineunheard of, and some companies may be researching that in stealth mode. AI has newlineslowly invaded our lives in many ways and they are performing tasks that in the newlinerecent past were not within the capability of a human to perform, unless that human newlinehad extensive training. It is no longer a secret that the USA has permitted road testing newlineof self-driving autonomous vehicles (AVs) in twenty-nine states of the United States newlineof America and the District of Columbia. The arrival of self-driving AVs is going to newlinechange the road transport landscape.
Appears in Departments:Alliance School of Law

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