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Title: A study on motives preferences and Experience and its impact on satisfaction And destination loyalty of international Travelers with respect to kerala
Researcher: Bindu T
Guide(s): Kanagaraj C
Keywords: Effect of demographic
Yoon Uysal
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/05/2014
Abstract: The immense potential of the tourism sector to act as a catharsis of newlineeconomic and social development has been acknowledged in national and newlineinternational forums Almost all states in India have placed tourism on a newlinepriority platform making efforts to exploit the tourism resources and newlinepotential offered by the state newlineUnderstanding International tourist s preferences and their newlineperception of the destination are considered essential inputs in tourism newlineplanning and marketing efforts The literature on tourists satisfaction with newlineKerala revealed that though there are few studies on motives and satisfaction, newlinethere are hardly any studies integrating the mentioned concepts with newlinedestination loyalty With this in mind the study employed path analysis to newlinestudy the relationship between travel motives overall travel satisfaction and newlinedestination loyalty The study employs the Importance performance analysis newlineon Kerala s tourism attractions to identify the areas of satisfaction and areas newlinethat need concentration Regression analysis reveals the relationship between newlinetourism service experience and overall satisfaction and destination loyalty newlineThe effect of demographic variables on satisfaction is also studied newlineThe theoretical framework chosen for this study was based on the newlinemodel developed and tested by Yoon Uysal 2005 who examined the newlineeffects of motivation and satisfaction on destination loyalty newline newline
Pagination: xxii, 198p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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