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Title: Marketing strategy and customer Loyalty on financial products and Services offered by financial institutions With reference to Chennai tamil nadu
Researcher: Senthil kumar B
Guide(s): Saravana kumar
Keywords: Customer Relationship Marketing
Financial Service Sector
Impact of Customer
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/06/2014
Abstract: This research study takes place the Impact of Customer newlineRelationship Marketing Strategy CRMS and Customer Loyalty on Financial newlineProducts and Services offered by Financial Institutions with reference to newlineChennai Tamil Nadu Marketing has made a paradigm shift from newlinetransactional approach to relational approach We are living in a globalized newlineworld where competition has become an unavoidable element of business newlineand customers have become scarce This has led to a situation where all the newlinefirms in the same industry are trying to attract the same customers in various newlineways even while offering similar products and services They are using newlinerelationship marketing approach to ensure that the customers remain loyal and newlinecome back to them for the same products and services newlineToday financial institutions can no longer rely on these committed newlinerelationships or established marketing techniques to attract and retain newlinecustomers As markets break down into heterogeneous segments a more newlineprecisely targeted marketing technique is required which creates a dialogue newlinewith smaller groups of customers and identifies individual needs This newlinesituation coupled with the pressures of competitive and dynamic markets has newlinecontributed to the growth of Customer Relationship Marketing in the newlineFinancial Service Sector newline newline
Pagination: xxviii, 300p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management Studies

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