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Title: Certain investigations on aircraft indoor wireless communication
Researcher: Saravanan L
Guide(s): Umamaheswari S
Keywords: Aircraft wireless system
Indore wireless communication
Information and communication engineering
Wireless communication
Wireless sensors
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2014
Abstract: The communication systems in aircrafts involve complicated wiring and increase the weight of aircrafts Such wiring systems require more time for construction and lead to considerable time delay in fault location When wiring problem occur it is difficult to manage wired data transmission In addition to the complexity of wires many accidents have been reported due to faulty wiring in aircraft To overcome these difficulties researches are being carried out all over the world to develop an efficient wireless communication system In this investigation it is proposed to develop a design procedure for wireless communication system for aircrafts using space division multiple access technique Noises from external sources interfere with the signals transmitted and the quality of the communication gets degraded One of the aims of this research is to identify and eliminate the additive white Gaussian noise in the communication channel Second aim is to establish interference free simultaneous transmission of multiple signals from different sources to the corresponding destinations
Pagination: xix, 127p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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