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Title: Certain investigations on automated epileptic seizure detection methods using fastica and neural network
Researcher: Sivasankari K
Guide(s): Thanushkodi K
Keywords: epileptic seizure
fastica and neural
Information and communication engineering
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2014
Abstract: The occurrence of epileptic seizure is a common medical problem that newlinerequires automated detection methods Electroencephalogram EEG is the newlineconventional method for analyzing the electrical signals in the brain and detecting newlineepileptic seizures An automatic epileptic seizure detection requires automation newlineand optimization to obtain higher classification Accuracy and processing speed newlineThe thesis reports the development of automated epileptic seizure newlinedetector in a stepwise manner First the epileptic seizure detection is modeled newlinebased on Fast Independent Component Analysis FastICA and Back newlinePropagation Neural Network BPNN newline newline
Pagination: xxviii, 170p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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