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Title: Effect of plasma pretreatment on multifunctional finishes and influence of a lactobacillus acidophilus bio culture treatment on effluents
Researcher: Vellingiri K
Guide(s): Ramachandran T
Keywords: faculty of technology
multifunctional finishes
of plasma pretreatment
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2014
Abstract: The main aim of the current research work is to study the effect of newlineplasma pretreatment on multifunctional finishes and the influence of a bio culture newlineof Lactobacillus acidophilus on effluent The raw materials of cotton viscose and newlinepolyester fabrics were selected on the basis of nontoxic nonallergic and noncarcinogenic newlineeffect which is suitable for the current research study Many newlinefunctional fabrics for different applications having different yarn counts in newlinewarp and weft vary from 295 to 74 Tex Hence for this research work an newlineattempt has been made with nominal count of 1476 Tex Based on the newlinesustainable product point of view cotton viscose and polyester fabrics were newlineselected for the plasma pretreated multifunctional finished fabrics newline newline
Pagination: x1ix, 264p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Technology

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