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Title: Optimization of process parameters in electro chemical machining for titanium alloys
Researcher: Santhi M
Guide(s): Ravikumar R
Keywords: electro chemical machining
Mechanical engineering
titanium alloys
Upload Date: 11-Sep-2015
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 01/11/2014
Abstract: Modern machining methods eg newlineelectrochemical machining ECM electro newlinedischarge machining EDM laser beam newlinemachining LBM and ultrasonic machining newlineetc have already been utilized for newlinemachining EDM and LBM are thermal newlineprocesses therefore they cause the newlineformation of heataffected zones and micro newlinecracks on the work piece ECM is one of the newlinelatest and potentially the most useful of the newlinenontraditional machining NTM processesThe basic principles newline
Pagination: x1ix, 403p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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