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Title: Spectroscopic investigations of fluid flow in soap bubbles and au nanoparticles and its polyaniline composite synthesis
Researcher: Sarma, Tridib Kumar
Guide(s): Chattopadhyay, Arun
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Applied
Physical Sciences
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2004
Abstract: This thesis consists of experimental investigations in the following two areas i Stabilization of single soap bubbles and their spectroscopic investigation Observation o Marangoni effect driven upwardly mobile fluid layer in a soap bubble film Control of the fluid movement by controlling surfactant concentration gradient ii Synthesis of Au nanoparticles NPs from reduction of HAuCl4 by H2O2 Generation of shape selected Au NPs Preparation of Au NP conducting polyaniline PANI composite
Pagination: Not Available
Appears in Departments:DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY

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