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Title: Electrical resistivity and ac susceptibility studies in perovskite manganites
Researcher: Kar, Manoranjan
Guide(s): Ravi, Seenipandian
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2004
Abstract: Materials based on manganese oxides are generally known as manganites The manganites RMnO3 R Trivalent rare earth elements and AMnO3 A Divalent alkaline earth elements are known to be insulating with antiferromagnetic AFM ordering Even though the mixed valence manganites R1 xAxMnO3 x lt 0 50 are known to exhibit ferromagnetic FM to paramagnetic and metal insulator transitions as early as 1950 the interest in this type of compounds was renewed only after the discovery of large neg
Pagination: Not Available
Appears in Departments:DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS

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