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Title: Newer catalytic methodologies for c n c s bonds formation and oxidation of sulfides bromide and alcohols with h2o2
Researcher: Hussain, Sahid
Guide(s): Chaudhuri, Mihir Kanti
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Applied
Physical Sciences
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2007
Abstract: Catalysis plays an important part in rendering chemical transformations very effective highly selective and environmentally safer catalysis is indeed not only one of the principal tenents of quotquot Green chemistry but also is an integral part of it the timely publication of a compendium on Green chemistry and catalysis by sheldon puts this point affirm beyond any scope of imagination the invention of new clean and appropriate catalysis for a chosen transformation is extremely important and
Pagination: Not Available
Appears in Departments:DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY

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