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dc.coverage.spatialAssessment on the mechanical Properties of ni tio2 and ni al2o3 Nanocomposite coatings on ni Based super alloys by pulse Electrodeposition
dc.description.abstractInconel 617 alloy is the material that finds greatest utilization in newlineturbine engines and jet engines owing to its high strength and long fatigue life newlinetogether with high resistance to corrosion, oxidation, creep and stress rupture newlineeven at high temperatures. Hence the oxidation and hot corrosion resistance of newlinesuch nickel based alloys are enhanced through Surface modification or newlinecoating techniques. Electroplating, one of the most significant surface coating newlinetechnologies, is performed in industries to produce abrasion and corrosion newlineresistant coatings. It will increase their lifetime, allowing them to withstand newlinehigher temperatures for longer periods. newlineThe current research attempt is made on Ni-Al2O3 and Ni-TiO2 newlinenanocomposite coatings deposited on Inconel 617, a Ni based super alloy newlinethrough pulse electrodeposition process with different values of frequency, newlineduty cycle, and current density and using Taguchi L27 orthogonal design. It newlineprovides improved consequences than that could be attained over newlineconventional pure metallic coatings. The Inconel 617 work-material was newlineshaped to the dimension of 10 x 10 x 30 mm specimen using Wire cut EDM newlineprocess. The specimen preparation of Inconel 617 material included polishing newlinewith the help of Silicon Carbide abrasive paper of grade size 80-2500 newlinefollowed by ultrasonic cleaning for 15min with Acetone. Finally the top newlinesurface was again cleaned using distilled water in room temperature. In this newlineexperimental work, TiO2 and Al2O3 particles were used with the average size newlineof 100nm for electro deposition using Watts s electrolyte bath. The pulse newlineelectrodeposition experiments were carried out using Dynatronix-Pulse newlineRectifier. newline
dc.titleAssessment on the mechanical Properties of ni tio2 and ni al2o3 Nanocomposite coatings on ni Based super alloys by pulse Electrodeposition
dc.creator.researcherJoshua, D R
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Mechanical
dc.subject.keywordNanocomposite coatings
dc.subject.keywordsuper alloys
dc.subject.keywordpulse Electrodeposition
dc.contributor.guideJegan, A
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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