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Title: Value Creation Based Kano s Model and Blue Ocean Strategy An Investigation into Indian Banking Industry
Researcher: Sati, Minakshi
Guide(s): Sharma, R. K.
Keywords: Management
Social Sciences
University: Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Indian banking industry is at growing stage and level of competition is also increasing, there is newlinecut throat competition. Now, main focus of every bank is to attract new customers as well retain newlineold customers, whole focus is on customer satisfaction and retention. So, in order to survive newlinein the market, one needs to create differentiation and need to create some unexplored areas newlinewhich the marketers are not serving. newlineChapter one gives an overview and introduction of the study. This consists of the background newlineof the study. In Chapter two analysis of the literature available was done, from the literature newlinereview hypothesis of the study were developed. Review of literature basically helps in newlineidentification of key determinants of customer satisfaction in baking industry. Chapter three newlinedeals with research methodology, which includes significance of study, objective of study, newlinelimitation of the study and techniques used for data analysis and interpretation. Chapter four newlinedeals in detailed analysis and results of the study. Chapter five focuses on findings, newlineimplications, limitations, suggestions and future scope of the study. newlineThe findings of the study indicates that variables like creating non - competitive market, newlineintegration of total system activities, personalisaion, making no sense competition, content, newlineinformation pool, easy interface affects customer satisfaction in banking industry. newline newline
Pagination: All Pages
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Management

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