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Researcher: CHAKRABARTY, M.
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Language and Linguisticsn
warfs, probably, are one of the most neglected categories amongst others like the blacks and browns, the women and nature and the Dalits. The quest for leading a normal life has kept the dwarfs haunting throughout their lives and is still, without a solution. They are made to feel inferior directly or indirectly. Dealing with physical features like short stature, large head, ill-shaped limbs, waddling walk and hunched back is challenging. But more problematic is to deal with the social norms and individual gestures.
University: Ravenshaw University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The prominent aspect of existential crisis has grabbed each one in its clutches giving newlinerise to nihilism and a never-ending search for identity. With this, has emerged the newlinequestion of human and inhuman attributes towards life. Terms like equality and newline empowerment are only found in books. Survival of the fittest has been the trend newlinesince decades, while a many get vanished under the suppressive social conduct - just newlinelike the little people, who are categorized as dwarfs , midgets , hobbit , elves and newlinemany other derogatory terms. newlineDwarfs, probably, are one of the most neglected categories amongst others newlinelike the blacks and browns, the women and nature and the Dalits. The quest for newlineleading a normal life has kept the dwarfs haunting throughout their lives and is still, newlinewithout a solution. They are made to feel inferior directly or indirectly. Dealing with newlinephysical features like short stature, large head, ill-shaped limbs, waddling walk and newlinehunched back is challenging. But more problematic is to deal with the social norms newlineand individual gestures. newline
Pagination: ALL
Appears in Departments:Department of English

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