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Title: Liquid membrane based technology for the separation of toxic heavy metals from industrial effluents
Researcher: Bhatluri, Kamal Kumar
Guide(s): Ghoshal, Aloke Kumar and Saha, Prabirkumar
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Chemical
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: This thesis aims at exploring the efficacy of LM technology for the separation and pre concentration of Cd II and Pb II from their aqueous solutions A suitable LM that can extract the said solutes is identified through equilibrium study Experimentation with various solvents and carrier agents reveal that the coconut oil Aliquat 336 and coconut oil D2EHPA are two favorable combinations for separation of the cadmium II and lead II The performances of various LM based processes are investi
Pagination: Not Available

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