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Title: Efficacy of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the Management of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Researcher: MOHAPATRA, S.S.
Guide(s): RATH, S. and DAS, P.P.P
Keywords: bsessions and compulsions that consume time and significantly interfere with the client s routine work, family, and social life that
Philosophy and Psychology
Psychology Experimental
Social Sciences
University: Ravenshaw University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is perceived as a severe and debilitating newlinepsychiatric problem. It comprises of three different elements such as (i) obsession, (ii) newlinecompulsion, and (iii) extensive avoidance. OCD is described by the presence of one or many newlineobsessions and compulsions that consume time and significantly interfere with the client s newlineroutine work, family, and social life that are causing marked distress. The adverse impact of newlineOCD can be seen in the impairment caused in the quality of life for an individual. The loss of newlineoccupation/income, financial burden, overall well-being, and functioning of individuals are newlinealso largely influenced by the presence of OCD. Because of such detrimental effects caused newlineby OCD the World Health Organization (WHO) ranked OCD among the top ten of the most newlinedebilitating illness. newline
Pagination: ALL
Appears in Departments:Department of Psychology

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