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Title: Effects of various inoculum and f m ratio during batch and continuous anaerobic digestion of food waste
Researcher: Dhamodharan, K
Guide(s): Kalamdhad, Ajay
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: Food waste FW as a highly decomposable feedstock can be utilized for the production of methane gas Animal dung is one of the best sources of inoculum for anaerobic digestion AD because of its digestive system Animal dung has less biodegradable and more microbial consortia which can be well utilized for the purpose of inoculum in AD of FW The present study focuses on animal dungs as inoculum in different ratios to approach in novel way to enhance AD process and more methane production In
Pagination: Not Available

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