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Title: Effect of confinement on protein conformation in presence of osmolytes urea and trimethylamine n oxide
Researcher: Borgohain, Gargi
Guide(s): Paul, Sandip
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Applied
Physical Sciences
University: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Completed Date: 2016
Abstract: The mechanism by which TMAO provides counteraction against the action of urea and stabilizes protein has been investigated We focus on the effects of urea and TMAO on the folding unfolding equilibrium of protein and put an effort to uncover the molecular basis of denaturation and counteraction mechanisms In Chapter 1 we present a detailed literature review of the mechanism of action of the osmolytes their effects on the protein The reason of choosing REMD Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamic
Pagination: Not Available
Appears in Departments:DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY

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