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Title: Production and Price Behaviour of Major Seed Spices in Rajasthan
Guide(s): Meena, G.L.
Keywords: Agricultural Economics and Policy
Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: newlineThe purpose of study, titled Production and Price Behaviour of Major Seed Spices in Rajasthan , was to investigate the growth and instability in area, production, and productivity; output growth; temporal price behaviour; and the relationship between arrivals and prices, as well as price changes in major seed spices in comparison to their competitive crops. This study was entirely based on secondary data. The study period was chosen to analyse the various parameters, and it was separated into three sub-periods: pre-Agri Export Zone Period (1991-92 to 2004-05), post-Agri Export Zone Period (2005-06 to 2019-20), and overall period (1991-92 to 2019-20). The data was analysed using the compound annual growth rate, Cuddy- Della Valle instability index, decomposition analysis, and the Vector Error Correction Model to accomplish the objectives of the study. The results of study indicated that highest growth rates were seen in the production of fenugreek (7.53%), cumin (18.66%), and fennel (11.15%) during the pre-AEZ, post-AEZ, and overall periods. The highest instability were found in fennel production in Rajasthan, with 49.73, 65.51, and 73.76 percent, respectively. The interaction effect was the driving force behind increased output in the coriander, cumin, fennel, and fenugreek crops in pre- AEZ and post-AEZ periods, whereas the yield effect was dominant for overall period. During the study period, the pre-harvest season had the highest short-run price instability (58.41%) and the crop season had the lowest (0.01%). Coriander, cumin, fennel, and fenugreek had the highest inter-year price instability (73.82%) in 2013 and the lowest (-37.74%) in 2016. The long-run price instability of selected spices ranged from 30.57 to 6.39 per cent. Among selected spices, the highest seasonal price index was observed in March (111.48%) and the lowest (89.77%) in June. Overall, fennel, fenugreek, and coriander showed a negative relationship between arrivals and prices, whereas cumin showed a positive relationship. The A
Appears in Departments:Agricultural Economics & Management

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