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Title: Studies on antileishmanial activity of natural serine protease inhibitor s from potato tuber its role in immunomodulation and cellular invasion by leishmania donovani
Researcher: Paik, Dibyendu
Guide(s): Chakraborti, Tapati
Keywords: Biology and Biochemistry
Cell Biology
Life Sciences
University: University of Kalyani
Completed Date: 2018
Abstract: Leishmania is a complex protozoan parasite responsible for morbidity newlineand mortality throughout the world but more adversely dominates the newlineequatorial and tropical belt [Monzote et al, 2014]. Its digenic life form newlineexisting as the extracellular promastigote in the sandfly vector and as the newlineamastigote form sequestered within the phagolysosome of macrophages of newlinethe infected mammalian host makes it a parasite of nefarious repute. newlineLeishmania species are able to infect humans as well as other mammalian newlinehosts (dog and rodent, etc.) and cause diseases that are known under the newlinecommon name of leishmaniasis. The disease, leishmaniasis has high newlineincidence and prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. newlineThe clinical manifestations include from self-healing cutaneous (CL), newlinemucocutaneous (MCL), an intermediary form known as newlinePost Kala Azar newlineDermal Leishmaniasis (PKDL) to visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the most deadly newlineform of the disease if left improper treatment [Akhoundi et al., 2016, Oryan newlineet al, 2018]. newlineThe current chemotherapeutic scenario of leishmaniasis is more newlineanticipating than from past decades because of introducing both new drugs newlineand new formulation of old drugs along with the combinational therapies newline[Croft et al, 2006, Sundar et al, 2011]. The first line of treatment of newlineleishmaniasis is mainly based on pentavalent antimonials (Pentostam, newlineGlucantime) which are toxic and pretence alarm of drug resistance for more newlinethan 50 years [Sheikhmoradi et al, 2018]. Other clinical recommendations newlinelike, miltefosine, amphotericin B, pentamidine, paromomycin are not newlineachieving their satisfactory grades due to harmful side-effects, toxicity and newlinehigh cost [Rastrojo et al, 2018, Croft et al, 2006]. So the use of several newlinenatural newlineconsumable newlineplant newlineproducts newlinewith newlinemedicinal newlineimplication newlineand newlineminimum toxicities are recommended for the treatment of various diseases newlineincluding these types of neglected tropical diseases [Wink et al, 2012, newlineNewman et al, 2012, Ogungbe et al, 2012] newline
Pagination: 205p.
Appears in Departments:Biochemistry and Biophysics

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