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dc.coverage.spatialExperimental investigation of abs Matrix and cellulose fiber Reinforced polymer composite Materials in additive manufacturing
dc.description.abstractThe easy means of manufacturing by adopting Additive newlineManufacturing (AM) or 3D printing reduces the overall production cost newlinecompared with the traditional manufacturing techniques. Due to the benefits of newline3D printing technologies, it is largely recommended for manufacturing of newlinedifferent products. With the increase in utility of modern technology, the newlineapplication of 3D printing technology improves and it keeps on improving. As a newlineresult, 3D printing technology has become an ideal choice to be adopted by newlinevarious automobile manufacturing companies in certain parts of the world. newlineAM involves various techniques, materials and apparatus. This newlinetechnology has been broadly applied to build complex models by overcoming newlinethe less material wastage and freedom of design. Fused Deposition Modeling newline(FDM) 3D printing is the most common and simple method in AM where newlinethe products are printed by fusion and solidification, layer by layer as per design newlinedata. Various types of filament materials are used in FDM. Out of various raw newlinematerials used in AM technology, polymer is the most common and most newlinediverse material for 3D printing automotive components. newlineIn this research work, Polymer Matrix composites (PMC) samples newlinewere prepared by varying ratios of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and newlinecellulose weight percentages such as Pure ABS, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and newline50:50. The ABS matrix materials possess high molten viscosity, causing less newlineresin flow. Cellulose fiber reinforcement has good reinforcing filler with an newlineexcellent aspect ratio, and it renders ultimate mechanical properties generated by newlinehydrogen bonding with high crystallinity. The fabrication of the ABS/cellulose newlinecomposite sample was carried out by the simple hands-on stir process method newline
dc.titleExperimental investigation of abs Matrix and cellulose fiber Reinforced polymer composite Materials in additive manufacturing
dc.creator.researcherPonsuriyaprakash, S
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Mechanical
dc.subject.keywordabs Matrix
dc.subject.keywordcellulose fiber Reinforced
dc.subject.keywordpolymer composite
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Mechanical Engineering
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

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