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dc.coverage.spatialMolecular mechanism of the wound healing effect of hemigraphis colorata blume under in vivo and in vitro conditions
dc.description.abstractThe present study entitled Molecular mechanism of the wound healing newlineeffect of Hemigraphis colorata (Blume) under in vivo and in vitro conditions newlinewas an attempt to introduce new approach to reveal the wound healing potency newlineof the herb Hemigraphis colorata (Blume) (syn -Hemigraphis alternata (Burm. f) newlineT. Anderson) which is been widely utilized as a efficient traditional medicine newlinefor treating wounds. newlineConventional drugs are difficult and expensive to research and develop, newlinethis is often due to its low success rate and large capital investment needs. newlineHerbal medicines and botanical sources have been developed as drug over last newlinefew decades, and so form an integral part of complementary and alternative newlinemedicines. Many times one the phytochemical composition of a plant can newlineindicate its biological activity. With the rapid advancement of science and newlinetechnology, there is a tendency to overlook traditional values and knowledge, newlinealong with traditional medicines as whole. Although the post genomic era newlineallows screening active compounds from plants, when seeking drugs derived newlinefrom herbal medicine, one must consider traditional knowledge too. Many a newlinetime s healing properties of plants have been revealed as a result of experience newlineaccumulated through many traditional herbal therapies. This knowledge plays a newlinevital role in improving the drug discovery success rate now a day. As a general newlinerule, the success rate of developing new medicinal agents by synthetic means is newlineone in ten- thousand. However, the success rate of discovering new medicinal newlinecompounds that are based on traditional medicinal plants can reach one in four newlineor higher. newline
dc.titleMolecular mechanism of the wound healing effect of hemigraphis colorata blume under in vivo and in vitro conditions
dc.creator.researcherDivyaa Sreekumar
dc.subject.keywordMolecular Mechanism
dc.subject.keywordHemigraphis Colorata
dc.subject.keywordNitric Oxide Assay
dc.contributor.guideSalini Bhasker
dc.publisher.universityAnna University
dc.publisher.institutionFaculty of Science and Humanities
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Science and Humanities

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