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Title: A novel time orient visit maximization for sink node conformation and scheduling based data collection in war field sensor network
Researcher: Sangeetha A
Guide(s): Chandrasekaran M
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Computer Science
Computer Science Information Systems
information society
Warfield communicatio
WSN supports
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: iii newlineABSTRACT newlineThe growing networking technology has a greater impact on the newlineinformation society, and the wireless sensor networks have been identified as a newlinekey entity in solving different issues. The flexibility of wireless sensor newlinenetworks allows many organizations to deploy their own dynamic network. newlineThis property of WSN supports the Defense sectors to perform emergency newlineoperations in the Warfield. However, the WSN has been deployed to perform newlinedata collection from different geographic areas of the world. Consider a newlineWarfield, which requires collecting different informations like the location of newlinetroops, their requirement in medicines, weapons, and causalities should be newlinecollected inefficient manner. To perform this, different techniques have been newlineproposed earlier, but suffer to achieve high performance in data collection in newlinethe Warfield. newlineThe existing adaptive clustering system is suitable for Warfield newlinecommunication that alleviates the unexpected node death in the network. But newlinenumber of packets lost during the CH selection process at each round, which newlinemay contain more sensible information in the Warfield. The data collection is newlineidentified as the major issue which supports decision making in the Warfield. newlineTo improve the performance of data collection in WSN, a time orient sink newlinescheduling algorithm is presented. As the sensor nodes have bounded energy, newlineit is necessary to utilize their energy effectively. With this motivation, a time newline
Pagination: xiv, 112p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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