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Title: Design and implementation of wearable antenna for biomedical application
Researcher: Asha banu, S M
Guide(s): Meena alias jeyanthi, K
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
biomedical application
wearable antenna
Design and implementation
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: Wireless communication has existed for more than a century, and the present-day scenario has made the emergence of wireless communication face many stages of evolutionary history. The improvements in science and technology have made them affordable for people and have created an impact such that life without communication has become unthinkable. Recently, body-centric communications are captivating their place firmly in the field of biomedicine. The increase in chronic pathologies is due to the actual lifestyle, which demands an efficient health care method for the early diagnosis of the health. This method should also be designed in such a way that these monitoring devices should monitor the health without affecting their external life and also need not require any external person for biomedical control. newlineThe research work focuses on designing and developing a diagnosis method that can reduce the limitations of other conventional diagnosis methods like X-ray mammography, ultrasound, tomography, and positron emission tomography. These methods have certain limitations like age limit, repetition of diagnosis requiring a specific time gap, and a frightening lab setup. The proposed method is designed to avoid these limitations by providing a simple, cost-effective, and non-invasive diagnosis method. The device is to be mounted on the human physique; hence, the cloth-based antenna is designed for wearability. This research is focused on designing and developing a textile-based antenna for the early intervention of tumor cells in the human body. The specific advantages of this method include a simple testing setup, affordable cost, no limitation for the test repetition, no age limit, bound under the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limit, and efficient test results compared to conventional methods newline newline
Pagination: xx,161p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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