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Title: Biomass and Carbon Stock of Pinus roxburghii Sarg in Jammu and Kashmir
Researcher: Joshi , Kuldeep
Guide(s): Sehgal , Sandeep
Keywords: Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: newline The present study entitled Biomass and Carbon Stock of PinusroxburghiiSarg. in Jammu and Kashmir was carried out in the Pinus roxburghii dominated forests of Jammu division, JandK in the year 2020-2021.The objective of the study wasto estimate the tree biomass and carbon stock of Pinus roxburghiiand its capacity in sequestering CO2. The study sites were located in the district Jammu, Samba, Kathua, Udhampur and Reasi. Two sitesfrom Lower or Siwalik Chir Pine forest (9/C1a) (Site I and III) and two sites from Upper or Himalayan Chir Pine forest (9/C1b) (Site II and IV) were selected. Ten quadrates of 20 x 20 m2 were laid out randomly at each site. Diameter at breast height (dbh) and tree height were measured. The mean tree volume was determined with the help of species specific regression equation. newlineThe results showed that the maximum (51.21 cm) mean tree diameter was recorded at site I. Treeheight at all sites was non-significant. Mean stem volume and mean tree density was recorded highest (293.14 m3 ha-1 and 342 trees ha-1) from site II, whereas, mean tree basal area was maximum (41.22 m2 ha-1)at site IV.Biomass and Carbon content in per unit volume of plant part i.e. above and below was significantly different among the forest types. Himalayan Chir Pine forest recorded comparatively higher biomass and carbon stock than Siwalik Chir Pine forest. Above ground biomass density (AGBD), below ground biomass density (BGBD) and total biomass density (TBD) was recorded highest (174.10 Mg ha-1, 48.75 Mg ha-1 and 222.85 Mg ha-1 respectively) from the site II. The distribution of carbon stock in various components of tree also followed the same trend as that of biomass. Potential of sequestering CO2 was observed high in Himalayan Chir Pine forest which was maximum (384.39 Mg ha-1) at site II. newlineSignificant differences were observed in soil physico-chemical properties from different sites in Pinus roxburghii forests except for soil bulk density and soil electrical conductivity. The soilsat all the sites were acidic in
Appears in Departments:Agro-Forestry

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