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Title: Bright chemosensor based new generation molecular devices spectroscopic and computational studies
Researcher: Karar, Monaj
Guide(s): Majumdar, Tapas and Mallick, Arabinda
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Inorganic and Nuclear
Physical Sciences
University: University of Kalyani
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: In Chapter I, we have explored various chemosensing phenomena of different environmentally newlineimportant anions, cations and ion-pairs through different commercially available and synthetic newlinemolecules with incredible sensitivity and selectivity. Classification and detailed discussion of the newlineassociated chemosensor molecules were also made. In addition the associated interaction newlinemechanisms behind the binding decorations of those chemosensor molecules after complexation newlinewere also discussed. Ultimately the utilization of the differential optical responses received from newlinethose chemosensing processes and other photophysical changes in molecular logic field to design newlineseveral single input, dual input as well as complex molecular logic gates, versatile memory devices newlinewith single and both way memory units and different smart molecular security devices were also newlinereviewed. After this literature review we noticed that most of the representative examples of the newlinechemosensor molecules that were successfully utilised in molecular logic arena were predominantly newlinesynthetic. Synthesis and development of such chemosensors with lengthy synthetic procedure and newlinefurther the difficulty of their purification are two severe encumbers. Conversely, in this context, newlineseveral easily available simple single and dual active channel molecules could also be utilised in newlinemolecular sensing and molecular logic arena for these desired purposes. Commercially available newline off-the shelf molecules with such characteristics (Carbazole, Harmine, etc.) could be employed in newlinedetection of ions/molecules and their unimolecular platform could be utilised in molecular logic newlinefield. In addition simple one-step synthesizable Schiff-base molecules could also be utilised for such newlinedesired purposes. Besides these well established selective ion sensing processes, in literature newlinenoticeable reports on smart selective ion-pair sensor are hardly any, although those systems could newlinealso be developed as the smart molecular systems with different aspects .
Pagination: xiv,202p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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