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Title: Study on somatotype body composition mental toughness and emotional stability of kabaddi players
Researcher: Roy, Mithun Chandra
Guide(s): Sarkar, Susanta
Keywords: Education Special
Kabaddi players
Physical education and training
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: University of Kalyani
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Kabaddi is one of the popular team sports which require a high standard of preparation in newlineorder to complete 40 minutes of competitive play and to achieve success. In this game movement newlinepatterns are characterized as intermittent and change continuously in response to different newlineoffensive and defensive situations. Anthropometric factors and morphological characteristics can newlineinfluence the effectiveness of such responses, as has been observed in other sports (Deng, Lin, newlineXia, Cheng, 1990). Therefore, anthropometric profiles may contribute to understanding the newlinesuitability of players for the sport of Kabaddi, particularly elite level. newlinePrevious bunch of anthropometrical studies reports have shown that body structure and newlinemorphological characteristics can determine the selection of participants in many sports. Results newlineof cross-sectional anthropometric studies have tended to suggest that certain physical factors newlineincluding body composition (body fat, body mass, muscle mass) and physique (somato type) newlinesignificantly influence athletic performance (Carter, 1984). The knowledge of the physical newlinecharacteristics of Kabaddi players could provide insight into those individual factors which newlineinfluence the players performance in the game. Anthropometric characteristics are very relevant newlinefor Kabaddi players because the game of Kabaddi entails physical contact in which specific newlinephysiques with a high level of strength and power may provide an advantage. The newlineAnthropometric characteristics of Kabaddi players are considered in the choice of players to newlineimplement the game plan. newlineIn modern sports, successful performance is determined by number of factors. For newlineoptimum performance at elite level, variety of areas must be addressed. Further, Kabaddi is the newlinegame where size, shape and body composition play an important part in providing distinct newlineadvantage for specific playing positions.
Pagination: 145p.
Appears in Departments:Physical Education

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