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Title: Environmental Cultural Change Effecting Youth In Their Interaction With Brands
Researcher: Mishra, Shruti
Guide(s): Shahi, Sujata
Keywords: Constructivist Grounded Theory
Environmental conditions
Indian Youth
University: IILM University, Gurugram
Completed Date: 2023
Abstract: The study aimed to understand how the environmental cultural changes effects the youth in newlinetheir interaction with brand through social psychology and marketing theories. For this purpose newlineprimary research was done and it was found that the cultural reality of Indian youth is chaotic newlineand they are trying to find some semblance to survive and prosper. They see themselves as lone newlinewarriors who are fighting for what they believe. Brand, for them is a tool that helps them attain newlinetheir goals by encompassing the values that they want to project to the outside world. Therefore, newlineit is important to acknowledge these facts, especially by policy makers and marketeers so that newlinethese insights can be utilised to help youth grow and attain the heights that they have set for newlinethemselves. Thereby, helping nation and brands grow and prosper. However, these findings newlineshould be in conjuncture with economic reality as the paper understands this phenomenon from newlinea psychological and marketing point of view and not economical
Pagination: 265
Appears in Departments:School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Libral Arts

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