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Title: Component count reduced filter Less h bridge multilevel inverter with Series and parallel connected Switches for statcom application
Researcher: Vijayakumar, M
Guide(s): Ramesh, S M
Keywords: Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
Component count reduction
Series-Parallel connected switch multilevel inverter
Total Harmonic Distortion
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: In recent years, voltage immovability and control are progressively newlinemore becoming a demanding factor in the planning and function of power newlinesystems, essentially in longitudinal ones. In order to congregate the continuallygrowing newlinepower demand, utilities wish to rely on already presented generation newlineand power export/import planning in preference to structure new conduction newlinelines. This has been reflected in the requirement to exploit the utilizing of newlineexisting transmission amenities. By reason of rapid rate of rising linear/nonlinear newlineloads in the existing giving out power system, the power excellence in the newlinepower scheme has to be monitored austerely and should be controlled if not, it newlinewill lead to tribulations for both customer and function. The number of switches newlineand Harmonic distortion is the majority important problem in power excellence. newlineThe harmonic distortion has to be proscribed contained by the limit in newlinethe distribution power scheme to develop the power excellence. The Multilevel newlineInverter (MLI) generates a flight of stairs sine waveform output from the various newlinevoltage sources. They entail numerous numbers of semiconductor switches to newlinespawn the staircase sine waveform, which leads to extraordinarily elevated newlineswitching losses and total harmonic distortion (THD). The MLI entails newlinenumerous numbers of semiconductor switches, Filter circuits and THD, which newlinehas been diminished and avoided by the proposed to a new premium MLI newlinetopology with single H-Bridge and series-parallel connected switch (SPCSMLI). newlineMultilevel inverters are extensively used in diverse applications newlinebecause of their appealing features. They can be coupled to the grid as a Static newlinesynchronous compensation (STATCOM) to develop grid power excellence and newlinevoltage control. The hasty improvement of power electronics technology gives a newlinechance to develop novel power apparatus to improve the recitation of the actual newlinepower systems. This made building of contemporary Thyristor Controlled Series newlineCapacitors (TCSC), newline
Pagination: xxi,146p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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