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Title: Pharmacokinetic Interaction Studies on Some Selected Antihyperlipedemic Drugs with Antidiabetic Drugs in Rats
Researcher: Vijaya Bhargava Kanamarlapudi
Guide(s): P Rajeswara Rao
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: quotIn general, drugs or xenobiotics after administration undergo newlinevarious processes before they are systemically available to exert newlinetheir pharmacological or therapeutic activity. Such processes are newlinedivided into absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion newline(ADME). These pathways influence the bioavailability of the drugs newlineand are to be studied with utmost care. They are easily bound to newlineget altered with co-administered drugs. This results in either newlinepharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamics interaction among the newlineadministered drugs which are known as drug-drug interactions. newlineSuch interactions either cause an increase or decrease in the newlinesystemic concentrations of the co-administered drugs resulting in newlinetoxicity upon chronic usage. So it becomes imperative for the newlineresearchers to investigate the mechanisms of the interaction newlineprocess, delineate and design more effective therapeutic newlinemanagement strategies.quot newline newline
Pagination: 201 pg
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmacy

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