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Title: A Frame Work for Finding Ontology Based Semantic Similarity Measures
Researcher: S Raja
Guide(s): V Valli Kumari and K V S V N Raju
Keywords: Computer Science
Computer Science Theory and Methods
Engineering and Technology
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2014
Abstract: quotSemantics is the study of linguistic meaning. Word similarity measure is a central newlineconcept for realizing the semantic web. Semantic similarity measures play a vital role newlinein QandA systems and text processing. Several Ontologies in the web contain the newlineknowledge of different domains. For retrieving relevant information from them, newlinesuitable Ontology based semantic similarity techniques are required. newlineMany techniques in literature use WordNet Ontologies for finding out word similarity newlinemeasure based on edge counting, node counting and information content. However, newlinefor finding out sentence similarity there are very few methodologies proposed in the newlinecurrent literature.quot newline newline
Pagination: 189 pg
Appears in Departments:Department of Computer Science & Systems Engineering

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