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Title: Biochemical and molecular changes in common bean during anthracnose disease development
Researcher: Uttamrao , Thombre Mahadeo
Guide(s): Gupta , Moni
Keywords: Agricultural Sciences
Life Sciences
University: Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate changes in defense molecules andother metabolites related to phenyl propanoid in common bean varietiesimpartingdifferentlevelsofresistancetoinfectioncausedbyhemibiotrophicfungusColletotrichum lindemuthianum (T1 and T2 from Bhaderwah and ITCC, IARI, Delhi, respectively) and alsoto determine the relation of the compounds to pathogen tolerance. Anthracnose resistant (VL63)andsusceptiblevarieties(BR104andBR50)wereinoculatedundergreenhouseconditionsandassessedforoxidativestressindices,biochemicalindices,antioxidantcomponent,antioxidantenzymes,secondarymetabolites,SDSPAGEprofileofproteins,ionchromatographic profile of phenolic and sugars related to plant defense post infection. Leafsampleswerecollectedonthe3rd, 6thand 9thdays after infection. Higher electrolyteleakage,malondialdehyde,totalsolublesugarandtotalfreeaminoacidwereobservedinsusceptible varieties corresponding to resistant.The infected leaves of VL 63 showed higheractivityofsuperoxidedismutase,peroxidases,polyphenoloxidases,catalase,ascorbateperoxidase, phenyl ammonium lyase, ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide level than BR 104and BR 50 compared to control, whereas the reduction rate of carotenoid, chlorophyll a,chlorophyllbandtotalchlorophyllweremorepromptinsusceptiblecultivars. Thevarietywitha greater level of resistance was superior to the susceptible in regard to secondary metabolitelevels in shoot and root. In response to infection total phenols, flavonoid, tannin, alkaloid andsaponinwerehigherinleavesthanroot.SDSPAGEofleafproteinsexpoundednewpolypeptiderangingfrom119kDa to 25.4kDawhereasrootproteinpolypeptidefrom119kDa to 17.7 kDa. A total seven of sugars i.e. myo-inositol, mannitol, trehalose, fructose,glucose, sucrose and stachyose was detected in all shoot samples of varieties except raffinosewhichappearedexclusivelyinrootsofVL63.BR50showed22.42-foldincreaseinchlorogenic acid with T1 while highest fold of 2.0 increase in chlorogenic acid was recorded inVL63.TheexpressionlevelsoftwogenesCHSandPALwerec
Appears in Departments:Biochemistry

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