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Title: Mapping The Ground Water Prospective Zones Using Integrated Approach By RS and GIS A Case Study For Tumakuru Taluk
Researcher: Shivakumar, R
Guide(s): Suresh Babu, S and Prakash, K E
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: The Ground water is a most valued universal wealth supporting the human well-being, newlinealong with ecosystem. It has become a significant and reliable cause of water supplies in both newlineurban and rural areas under varying climatic conditions across the countries (Todd and Mays, newline2005), due to its intrinsic qualities. Out of 37 M km3 of freshwater anticipated to be available newlineon the earth, the ground water is about 22%, which represents around 97% of freshwater that newlineis accessible for domestic use (Foster, 1998). In India, over 91% and 30% of population of newlinerural, and urban respectively, depending on the ground water for the drinking and domestic newlinepurpose (1996, Reddy). The ground water is becoming critical economic tool in progressing newlineNations and can supply to the poor people at lower rates more efficiently (IWMI, 2001). newline
Pagination: 128
Appears in Departments:Department of Civil Engineering

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