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Title: Study on Development of Aquasome Based Drug Delivery System of Chelidonium majus
Researcher: Banerjee, Sritoma
Guide(s): Sen, Kalyan Kumer
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Development of aquasomes of Chelidonium majus L. involved three steps: first core newlineformation, then carbohydrate was coated on to the core and third step was loading newlineChelidonium majus extract on to it. Extract loaded aquasomes were coated with calcium newlinealginate for oral delivery to rats. Core formation in nano range by sonication was largely newlinedependent on temperature and duration of sonication. Extract loading was dependent on newlineconcentration of extract. Characterization study showed formation of stable nanoparticulate newlinedrug delivery system. In-vitro drug release showed controlled drug release over a period of 8 newlineh. Extract loaded aquasomes were administered to rats to understand its effect on newlineparacetamol, cisplatin, rifampicin-isoniazid and carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity. newlineResults showed prevention from hepatotoxic damage in Chelidonium majus L. treated groups newlinein a similar way like silymarin particularly against paracetamol, cisplatin, rifampicinisoniazid newlineinduced hepatotoxicity. Protective action was also found against carbon newlinetetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity but not in a similar way as silymarin. newlineKeywords: Aquasomes, core, Chelidonium majus L., stable, hepatoprotective. newline
Pagination: xviii,167p
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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