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Title: Evaluation of bio activity and drug delivery potential of tailored natural Polysaccharides
Researcher: Dhua,Manabendra
Guide(s): Sen, Kalyan Kumar and Maity, Sabyasachi
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The thesis entitled Evaluation of bioactivity and drug delivery potential of tailored newlinenatural polysaccharides is based on the research work done by author on chemical newlinetailoring of polysaccharides and assessment of their bioactive and controlled drug newlinedelivery potential in order to achieve better therapeutic efficacy. In this research, natural newlinegums such as karaya, guar, xanthan, and alginate have been chemically modified for newlinefabricating drug release systems and for the evaluation of biological activity like newlineantioxidant and antimicrobial activity. newlineFirst part of this thesis includes the synthesis of carboxymethyl karaya gum followed by newlinepropylation to impart amphiphilic characteristics. After determining the critical newlineassociation concentration, micelle based colloidal particles loaded with bosentan newlinemonohydrate was formulated. Finally, the nanomicellar particles having highest drug newlineloading capacity was cross linked with aluminum chloride to form crosslinked colloidal newlineparticles. The drug delivery potential of cross-linked nanomicellar particles was newlineevaluated along with its efficacy at preclinical level. newlineIn the second part of this thesis, gum such as guar and xanthan were carboxymethylated newlineand IPN beads was formulated composed of carboxymethylated guar gum and newlinecarboxymethylated xanthan gum. The antidiabetic drug glimepiride was loaded into to newlinethe IPNs. After successful characterization of modified gum and IPNs, the drug delivery newlineattributes of IPNs were assessed. newlineLast two part of the thesis deals with the synthesis of guar gum and alginate sulphates, newlinerespectively. The synthesis of polysaccharide sulfates was ensured by FTIR and 13CNMR newlineanalysis. Finally, all sulfated products were examined for their potential free newlineradical scavenging and antimicrobial activitities. newline
Pagination: xiii,129p
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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