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Title: Synthesis of Polysaccharid ethers and design of controlled drug delivery carriers
Researcher: Laha, Bibek
Guide(s): Sen, Kalyan Kume and maiti, Sabyasachi
Keywords: Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Pharmacology and Pharmacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology
University: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: The Thesis Dissertation entitled Synthesis of Polysaccharide Ethers and Design of newlineControlled Drug Delivery Carriers is a report of the research work done by author on the newlinedevelopment of microparticles for drug delivery that could reduce side effects and improve newlinetherapeutic effect. Recently, an interest has been put on natural gums for the manufacturing of newlinedrug delivery systems due to their environment friendly and bio-friendly characteristics. In this newlinethesis different natural biopolymer based drug delivery carriers have been developed which newlinesustained the drug release in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. newlineIn the first part of the thesis, the synthesis of carboxymethyl LBG was done to improve its newlinehydrophilicity, and gel formation ability in presence of Al+3 ions in order to form KG-CLBG newlinehydrogel particles (HPs). The HPs could respond to different pH of gastrointestinal tract by newlinevirtue of their swelling and drug release controlling ability. In this investigation, the IPN of KGCLBG newlinecontaining carvedilol phosphate was statistically optimized and its drug delivery newlineattributes were assessed. newlineTherefore, the objectives of the first part of this research work are: newlineand#61558; To synthesize carboxymethyl derivatives of Locust bean gum newlineand#61558; To prepare interpenetrating hydrogel network (IPN) particles using modified LBG and newlinekaraya gum newlineand#61558; To evaluate the drug delivery performance of hydrogel particles newlineand#61558; To judge sustained oral delivery potential of carvedilol in vivo newlineSecond part of the thesis deals with the formation of nanogels. NGs hold promise as drug newlinedelivery carriers by virtue of thermodynamic stability, solublilization potential, and protein newlinedesorption and high cellular uptake than the free drug. The amphiphilic copolymer could selfassemble newlinein aqueous medium. Considering the non-toxicity, biodegradability of KG and the newlinepresence of a wide variety of functional groups, KG-based core-shell nanoparticles were newlinedeveloped for bosentan monohydrate. newline
Pagination: xiii, 146p
Appears in Departments:Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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