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Title: An analysis of impact of public investment in irrigation under rural infrastucture development fund of nabard on farmers income in tamilnadu
Keywords: Business Finance
Economics and Business
Social Sciences
University: Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The augmentation of irrigation infrastructure through public investment is the key to doubling newlinefarmers income and ensuring rural prosperity. Government of Tamil Nadu has been judiciously newlineavailing Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) assistance from NABARD, inter alia, for newlinefunding irrigation projects. However, the desired level of investment in irrigation sector is constrained newlineby fiscal space limitations and competing demands from other sectors. The research oriented study has newlinebeen taken up in the context of increased importance attached to irrigation infrastructure and declining newlinepubic investment infrastructure in the sector amidst the national priority of doubling farmers income newlineby 2022 and to gather research evidence to encourage improved and an effective public investment in newlineirrigation sector in Tamil Nadu. The major research objective is to analyze the impact of public newlineinvestment with specific reference to irrigation under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) newlineof NABARD on farmer s income in Tamil Nadu. The specific objectives are: (a) to study the impact newlineof public investment in irrigation under RIDF on the farmers income in Tamil Nadu; (b) to explore the newlinetrends and correlation between public investment and State income in Tamil Nadu; and (c) to explore newlineand evaluate policy options for enhancing both outlays and effectiveness of public investment in newlineirrigation in improving farmers income. The findings of the present study are based on primary data newlinecollected through interviews of beneficiaries in five selected irrigation projects funded under RIDF in newlineTrichy, Thoothukudi, Madurai, Pudukottai and Thanjavur districts covering Thamirabharani, Cauvery, newlineGundar- Vaigai river basins. As many as 300 beneficiary farmers and 150 control group farmers in newlineproject and adjoining areas were administered structured and pretested questionnaires. Besides newlinesecondary data from NABARD, RBI, Govt of India, budget documents of Govt of Tamil Nadu, were newlinealso used for analysis. The data was analyzed using
Appears in Departments:Economics

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