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Title: A study of an enhanced corrosion resistance Of titanium modified by chitosan zinc oxide Silver gold for orthopedic implantation And their antimicrobial activity
Researcher: Thulasi G
Guide(s): Pragathiswaran C
Keywords: Chemistry
Chemistry Physical
Physical Sciences
University: Bharathidasan University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: In this world, every revolution is entirely based on the intelligence of human newlinebeing and improvement in comfortable life with scientific approach. Recently, newlineTitanium plays major role in all the leading industries and it has been extensively used newlinein aerospace industry, defence, process industries, automotive industry, agriculture newlinemachinery and medical applications. Coating of different nanomaterials plays crucial newlinerole in the various applications required for finding the strength and microstructure of newlinetitanium sheet. The progress of electrodeposition process is one of the significant task newlinefor achieving characterization, enhanced corrosion inhibition efficiency and antimicrobial newlineactivities. These responses are considered in this present research work. newlineThe following chapter briefly describe about experimental investigation of this newlineresearch work. newlineChapter-1: Introduction: This chapter deals with the introduction, working principle, newlineapplications, advantages and disadvantages of corrosion, properties, chemical composition newlineand applications of the titanium, chitosan, zinc oxide, silver and gold were discussed newlinein this chapter. newlineChapter-2: Literature review: This chapter presents the literature review of earlier newlineresearchers in corrosion inhibition and methodologies adopted for solving the newlineproblem. This chapter also discusses the research gap and scope of the research work. newlineChapter-3: Experimental work: This chapter entitled with the experimental procedure, newlinemachine used and methods of works carried out were presented. newlineChapter-4: Experimental study of chitosan and zinc oxide coated on titanium: newlineThis chapter explains the synthesis and electrodeposition of chitosan and zinc oxide newlinexviii newlineon titanium. Chitosan is a biopolymer prepared with results from seafood, together newlinewith harmless chemical, environmentally sustainable as well as biocompatibility and newlinebiodegradability. Zinc oxide has recently been used in semiconductors, concrete, ceramic newlineand glass compositions, and even cigarette filters.
Appears in Departments:Department of Chemistry

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