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Title: Transformation and Empowerment of Women in the Select Novels of Githa Hariharan
Researcher: Sajina J S
Guide(s): Kumaresan P
Keywords: Arts and Humanities
Literary Theory and Criticism
University: Bharathidasan University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: The present research entitled Transformation and Empowerment of Women in the newlineSelect Novels of Githa Hariharan , is an attempt to explore a sequential analysis of Githa mHariharanand#8223;s novels as her writings have varied dimensions that reveal social realities. Her newlineexecution style has magical imagery concepts and vivid revelation of womenand#8223;s hopes and newlineaspirations.This research takes into consideration with two significant approaches, namely, the newlinesociological and the psychological approaches. Divided into five chapters, the thesis analyses newlineGitha Hariharanand#8223;s novels The Thousand Faces of Night,In Times of Siege and The Ghosts of newlineVasu Master and focuses specially on the various aspects, from individual to society. newlineThe first chapter Introduction traces the origin and development of the terms newlinesociology and psychology. It also traces the history of Indian writing in English with focus on newlineIndian writers in English and their untiring efforts. The last quarter of the twentieth century newlinewitnessed the emergence of a large number of women writers in Indian writing in English who newlinehave attracted a great deal of favorable comments. As the focus of the research is on Githa newlineHariharan, an attempt is made to draw out in detail the biographical features of the writer and newlineoutline of all her works with emphasis on the social background that has found a place in his newlineworks taken up for study. An introduction to all the chapters is presented in this first chapter newline Introduction . It enlists the objectives of the present study and the reviews. newlineThe second chapter Search for Identity From Feminine to Female deals with Legal, newlinepolitical, economic, cultural and social restrictions on the basic rights of women have existed newlinethroughout history and civilizations have prevented women from being free or independent and occupying a place of dignity. Women have been bringing up their children, looking after men, nurturing familial and social relationship and maintaining social values
Appears in Departments:Department of English and other Foreign Languages

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