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Title: Promotion Of Tourism Services At Secluded Places In Kerala An Evaluative Study
Researcher: SHAMEEM C K
Guide(s): RAJAM K
Keywords: Political Science
Social Sciences
Social Sciences General
University: Bharathidasan University
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: newlineThe present study is examined about promotion of tourism services at newlinesecluded places in Kerala- An evaluative study . The sample were taken from the newlinestudy is 13 district only. The study adopted stratified random sampling method. The newlinetools was used in that study percentage analysis, One-way ANOVA, T-test, Chisquare newlinetest and Karlpearson co-efficient of correlation. The findings of the study are newlinepolitical climate, currency rate fluctuations vary from one country to another country, newlineInfrastructure facilities etc are affected the tourism service at secluded places in newlineKerala. In order to improve the tourism at secluded places the tourism organization newlineprovide an necessary steps. Tourism organization provides a necessary training given newlineto the tourist guide and give the knowledge about tourism and also give a newlineadvertisement about the tourism services. newlineThe tourism organization provides a proper training given to tourist guide, newlinearrangement of proper infrastructure facilities it includes proper road facilities, ATM newlinefacilities, Transport facilities and power etc. In order to provide the this type of newlineactivities definitely tourism service at secluded places reach at a top place.
Appears in Departments:Department of Commerce and Financial Studies

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