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dc.description.abstractIn this chapter, we report on the pH-independent, reducing agent-free, fast, dark catalytic degradation of azo dyes using tin mono sulphide nanoparticles. SnS nanoparticles with high Sn content has degradation efficiency of ~ 99 %, which is achieved within 60 minutes of the catalytic reaction. Almost 61% of the dye is degraded within the first 20 minutes of the commencement of the catalysis. SnS nanoparticles are shown to degrade the industrial dyes methyl blue, eriochrome black T and congo red with equal efficiency. Orthorhombic SnS nanoparticles with band gap of 2.29 eV were synthesized by simple homogenous precipitation method at room temperature and characterized using X-ray diffraction, high-resolution scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy. The reaction time (60 minutes), molarity of precursor (0.6 M of SnCl2) and mass of SnS (40 mg) is optimized to obtain the highest efficiency. The degradation efficiency of SnS nanoparticles is independent of pH of the dye. It is unaffected by the ambient conditions and works efficiently in both dark and light conditions. The SnS triggered catalytic degradation reaction follows the pseudo first-order kinetics and does not require any additional reducing agents to promote the catalytic activity. The high efficiency of catalytic degradation in SnS nanoparticles in the absence of reducing agent is attributed to the high number of active sites in SnS due to high Sn concentration. The dye degradation occurs by decomposition of the phthalic acid, bis (2-pentyl) ester toxic compounds to their intermediate compound eicoscene. SnS nanoparticles assisted dark catalysis can be used to replace the existing photocatalytic and UV assisted advanced oxidation techniques and completely deter the use of reducing agents in catalytic water treatment. newline
dc.titleStudies on structural chemical and degradation properties of tin monosulphide and tin nanoparticles for removal of toxic textile dye effluents
dc.creator.researcherSAKTHIVEL, J
dc.subject.keywordPhysical Sciences
dc.subject.keywordPhysics Particles and Fields
dc.contributor.guideANITA R WARRIER
dc.publisher.universityAMET University
dc.publisher.institutionDept of Physics
Appears in Departments:Dept of Physics

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