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Title: Spatial data monitoring for low level primitives preserving of air quality system using geospatial technology
Researcher: Anuvelavan S
Guide(s): Sujatha S
Keywords: Air Pollution
Geospatial Technology
Preserving of Air Quality
University: Anna University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: An air pollution and human prosperity can made smart to relate newlinethem by the use of geospatial technology as a monitoring and investigation newlinewith tool. The aim of this proposed work is considering the spatial fluctuation newlineof pollutions, taking air pollution dataset in Tamil Nadu, India as a significant newlineinvestigation, by clearly analyzing the areas of high concentrations of air newlinepollution, how it effectively affects the people in the environment. The newlinepairing investigation is performed to prepare the correlation between air newlinepollution, the number of times of passage of air pollution, and the complete newlinedivision that is passed by Industries in Tamil Nadu. Geospatial technology newline(such as GIS, remote sensing, and GPS) is used to consider the spatial newlinedivision of air contamination. The basis of this inspection is the relationship newlinebetween spatial and non-spatial methods of testing. It shows the correlation newlineinvestigation of basic GIS assistance using normal components of newlineatmospheric damage by combining the observation stations. It is proposed newlinemethodology for considering effects to analyze air pollution. There is an newlineimportant positive correlation between a factor under the idea, and the newlineinvestigation shows proposed dataset by the collection of various pollutants newlineon the farm and factory location. The proposed investigation shows a positive newlinerelationship between the flows of element which effects relevant data because newlineof explicit areas are gradually defensible against the supply. The non-spatial newlinesystem alone may need to make an appropriate assessment of the impact and newlineinterconnectivity of air pollution factors. It is necessary to assess the spatial newlinecharacteristics of air contamination before showing associations of air newlinepollution. newline
Pagination: xvii,127p.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering

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