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Title: An Integrated Energy and Spectral Efficient Model for Large User Wireless Communication Systems
Researcher: Ashu Taneja
Guide(s): Nitin Saluja
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Chitkara University, Punjab
Completed Date: 2019
Abstract: The introduction of 5G targets high data rates but the mobile handset designers face challenges in terms of design constraints from energy efficiency prospective. It can pose challenges to wireless system strategist for replacing existing infrastructure with entirely different designs. Hence, it is essential to achieve both the high spectral efficiency and high energy efficiency simultaneously. The dissertation targets the same with optimal utilization of resources. newlineThe dissertation addresses these challenges and proposes an integrated model which enhances the efficiency of these large user wireless systems in terms of energy, spectrum and power. Multi-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MU- MIMO) system, massive MIMO and cooperative MIMO are the large user wireless communication systems considered. Their performance is evaluated under precoding, user selection and antenna selection techniques. newline
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Electronics

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