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Title: Sustainable and Resilient Integrated Urban Storm water Management a Case Study
Guide(s): M.G.MUNI REDDY
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Civil
University: Andhra University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: ABSTRACT newlineKeywords: Hydrological modeling, climate change, water quality, stormwater network newlinemodel, stormwater management model and reuse of stormwater newline newlineStormwater drainage and its management in urban areas have become a challenge due to newlinethe rapid and random growth of urban areas, removal of vegetation, reduction in the newlineeffectiveness of drainage infrastructure, the impact of climate change. A few of the challenges newlineare stormwater management in terms of water quantity, quality and climate change. Sustainable newlineUrban Drainage Systems (SUDS), Low Impact Development (LID) practices are the current newlineconcepts and effective in mitigating climate change effect which results in a change in rainfallrunoff newline newlinepatterns and further reduction in runoff. Best Management Practices (BMP), Water newlineSensitive Urban Design (WSUD) and Sponge City Programme are being towards newlineimplementation for stormwater management in a few parts of the world. Urban hydrology plays newlinea vital role in the urban water management system. However, optimal results can only be newlinepossible when the combined effect of climate change, land use patterns, ecology, and societal newlineaspects are considered. Thus, there is a need to provide sustainable and resilient urban drainage newlinesystems to manage stormwater more efficiently. newlineThere is a need to review present measures and practices of stormwater management. newlineFurther, there is a need to study the implications of urban hydrology, climate change, water newlinequality on stormwater and the reuse of stormwater for its efficient management in urban newlineenvironments. Thus, there is a need to study and propose sustainable and resilient integrated newlinestormwater management in urban areas. Hence, the present study has undertaken with an aim to newlinestudy and propose sustainable and resilient integrated stormwater management for proposed newlineAmaravati city of Andhra Pradesh state, India. newlineThe present study needs various modelling tools such as SWAT, StormCAD and SWMM newlineetc. to perform objectives set for integrated urban stormwater management which is to be newlinesustainable
Pagination: 267 pg
Appears in Departments:Department of Civil Engineering

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