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dc.description.abstractThis research aims to study Indian folk paintings in terms of style, icons, and their interrelations. The thesis is an attempt to do the above through presenting a formal theory of newlinepaintings, built upon, and developed from pre-existing formal theories in India and the west. newlineWe have selected Indian folk paintings as a case to demonstrate our formal theory for the newlinefollowing reasons: first, Indian folk paintings have not been studied in terms of their formal newlineaspects; second, their unique compositional sense of style stability and iconic similarity have newlineremained under-researched. newlineThe thesis begins by explaining the nature of space of the painting. It gradually develops the newlinefollowing five core chapters: (1) Concept of style (2) Concept of icon (3) Blending newlineof style and icons in paintings (4) Case study of Indian folk paintings and (5) Formal analysis newlineof folk paintings of India. The idea developed in the above core chapters is to study Indian newlinefolk paintings in terms of their artistic qualities. newlineThe styles and patterns of the Indian folk paintings are as diverse as the nation. However, Indian newlinefolk paintings show diversity in style and similarity in iconic representations. For example, one newlinecan see similar iconic representations of snake, elephant, tiger and even humans being repeated newlineacross various Indian folk painting styles. The purpose of our research is to qualify these newlinedifferences in style and study the artistically and contextually informed aspects influencing an newlineartist s craft. We will describe and analyse folk paintings in terms of their formal aspects, which newlinehelps to develop and shape our research process. Finally, to validate our research efforts in newlinequalifying style in Indian folk paintings, with undertake an evaluation employing existing arthistorical theories and modules. newlineFrom the above study, this thesis will attempt to derive and explain formal features guiding the newlinestyle of an artist and her art, in this case folk paintings from India. Our thesis leads further to newlinethe following inquiry- how can we define the
dc.titleStyle and Icon A Formal Study of Indian Folk Paintings
dc.creator.researcherSunil Kumar Lohar
dc.subject.keywordArts and Humanities
dc.subject.keywordArts and Recreation
dc.contributor.guideNimmi Rangaswamy and Navjyoti Singh
dc.publisher.universityInternational Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
dc.publisher.institutionExact Humanities
Appears in Departments:Exact Humanities

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