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dc.description.abstractIn the decades since the first space docking in 1966, many different docking newlinemechanisms have been developed, especially for large manned satellites. In newlinerecent years, a few systems developed for small satellites have not been tested newlinein space or scaled down to CubeSat size. In the near future, docking procedures newlinefor small satellites will gain importance in light of the need to share resources newlinebetween other satellites in any orbit. The reason behind this is that the small newlinesatellite market is rapidly growing with a focus on commercial missions with newlinelow risk and low-budget scientific and educational missions. newlineThe investigation was attempted by studying the state of the RPO (Rendezvous, newlineProximity, and Operation) and the behaviour of the dynamical system. In recent newlineyears, many RPO missions have been conducted, such as NASA s DART, newlineDARPA s MiTEx, and Orbital Science s Orbital Express, each to varying newlinedegrees of success. On the other hand, HMBM (Hindustan Mission Based newlineModule) seeks to demonstrate similar RPO missions within an architecture that newlinecan be developed at a university level while being capable of demonstrating key newlineRPO capabilities, such as station keeping, collision avoidance, and rendezvous. newlineFurthermore, these types of demonstrations have been recently highlighted by newlineNASA as key areas of interest in the future development of intelligent satellite newlinesystems, including the use of the Hubble Space Telescope. It is envisaged that newlinethe systems developed to make the HMBM possible can be easily transitioned newlineto the greater aerospace community as a whole for use in future commercial or newlineacademic RPO missions.
dc.titleinvestigations on the control dynamics of small satellite for rendezvous and docking operation with uncertainties
dc.creator.researcherThangavel S
dc.subject.keywordEngineering Aerospace
dc.subject.keywordEngineering and Technology
dc.description.noteRendezvous, Proximity and Docking Operation; Guidance Navigation and Control Techniques; CubeSat s mission; Attitude Dynamics and Control Systems, and Space Uncertainties.
dc.contributor.guideSanthanakrishnan R
dc.publisher.universityHindustan University
dc.publisher.institutionDepartment of Aeronautical Engineering
Appears in Departments:Department of Aeronautical Engineering

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