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Title: Performance Evaluation of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor MBBR in Sequential Batch Mode for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
Researcher: Shaha, Sunil S
Guide(s): Munavalli, G R and Joshi, S G
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Environmental
University: Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
Completed Date: 2020
Abstract: Developing countries are unable to make the most economical use of water resources in a newlinehighly water-stressed environment due to inefficient reuse/recycling of wastewater. newlineDischarge of untreated or partially treated wastewater is causing critical environmental and newlinehealth hazards. Only one-third of India s wastewater is currently treated causing pollution newlineproblems. Tthe treatment of wastewater and sustainable water use through recycling and newlinereuse will support India to achieve high rate of economic growth. The wastewater treatment newlineprocess is generally classified into primary, secondary and tertiary. In the primary newlinetreatment, grit, settleable suspended solids, oil and grease are removed from the newlinewastewater. Secondary treatment consists of biological treatment with the objective to newlineremove residual dissolved and colloidal organic matter. The provision of a centralized or newlinedecentralized wastewater treatment system will help to improve sanitation conditions. newlineDecentralized wastewater systems are advantageous due to smaller sewer size newlinerequirements, avoidance of pumping station, opportunities for reusing treated wastewater newlineand better control on operational conditions. Hence, it is necessary to develop a highly newlineefficient, compact, and user friendly treatment system for decentralized wastewater newlinetreatment. Present technologies such as Membrane bioreactor (MBR), Constructed newlinewetland, Decentralized wastewater treatment systems (DEWATS) developed by Bremen newlineOverseas Research and Development Association (BORDA), package treatment plants newlinebased on extended aeration or SBR process and Moving bed biofilm beactor (MBBR) are newlineused for decentralized treatment. But each of these has its own benefits and limitations. newlineMoving Bed Sequencing Batch Reactor (MBSBR) is an alternative system to the above and newlinehas an advantage of incorporating attached and suspended growth bacteria in an aerobic newlineenvironment and more significantly operated as a batch process. newlineLiterature review and its analysis shows that there are good number of s
Pagination: 137
Appears in Departments:Department of Environmental Engineering

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