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Title: Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyographic Findings in Hypothyroid Patients in Tertiary Care Hospital Chengalpattu District
Researcher: Lalithamma, A
Guide(s): Vadivel, S
Keywords: Clinical Medicine
Clinical Pre Clinical and Health
Health Care Sciences and Services
University: Bharath University
Completed Date: 2022
Abstract: Functions of central and peripheral nervous systems are performed newlineby the thyroid hormones. The asperity of the neuromuscular signs and newlinesymptoms of hormonal deficiency is related to its duration. Many other newlinestudies showed neuropathy and myopathy symptoms with a rate of 80% in newlinehypothyroidism by involving the neuromuscular system. The predominance newlineof neuromuscular disorders in thyroid dysfunction was 70% to 80%. Most of newlinethe studies from the last 10years showed decrease in muscle weakness and newlinenerve conduction in hypothyroidism. Few studies done to prove the effect of newlinereversal of nerve conduction and muscle weakness on effective treatment of newlinehypothyroidism. The aim of this thesis is to rehabilitate the patients with newlinehypothyroidism. The NCV and EMGs plays a major role of this thesis to newlinemonitor and evaluate the effect of treatment in hypothyroidism. newlineAn observational study was conducted in 50 hypothyroid newlinepatients with the age group of 20 60 years were included. After obtaining newlineinformed consent, all participants were examined with muscle enzymes newlinewith IFCC method and electro diagnostic parameters like nerve conduction newlinestudy and electromyography with NeuroStim-NS2, EMG/EP/NCV, of newlineMEDICAID SYSTEMS in the Department of Physiology, KIMSandRC, newlineChengalpattu District. Musculoskeletal system is frequently involved in newlinehypothyroidism. The enzymes like creatine kinase, Lactate dehydrogenase newlineand SGOT levels were increased in hypothyroidism. This increased enzyme newlinelevels in hypothyroidism due to increased turnover of muscle proteins and newlinedecreased clearance from the circulation will affect the nerve conduction newlineand skeletal muscle activity which is reflected on EMG.
Appears in Departments:Faculty of Medical Sciences

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