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Title: Development of a Novel Control Strategy for Power Quality Improvement of Hybrid Stand alone Microgrid
Researcher: Joshi, Yashwant
Guide(s): Maherchandani, Jai Kumar
Keywords: Engineering
Engineering and Technology
Engineering Electrical and Electronic
University: Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: With the industrial and population growth, energy consumption has increased newlinesignificantly over the last three decades. Sustainable energy supply is the main newlinerequirement of modern society to respond to the increased energy demand. Due to newlineexhaustion of fossil fuels, the new era of power generation is mainly concentrated on newlinerenewable energy resources. Hybrid combination of renewable energy sources in newlinegeneration of electrical power has steadily increased owing to enormous technical newlinedevelopments significantly lowering costs, resulting in cost-effective energy newlineproduction. But because of variable nature of solar and wind, an intelligent control newlinestrategy has become a relevant requirement for ensuring good quality of power. newlineThere are various issues responsible for poor power quality like voltage sag, voltage newlineswell, long/short duration power fluctuation, harmonics, flickers. Many studied have newlinebeen analyzed in literature survey to enhance power quality in standalone hybrid newlinemicrogrid system. Contd.... newline
Pagination: 267
Appears in Departments:Department of Electrical Engineering

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